Second-2-None: Week of 4/24

We have quite a bit going on in Religion. We’ve been practicing how to receive Holy Communion. We continue to talk about how to go out and serve one another as Jesus did. This coming week, we will also begin practicing for May Crowning. A letter about this Mass went home earlier this week. Please be sure to read the information carefully and let me know if you have any questions. More information will be sent home about Communion and May Crowning. This past week, we’ve also taken an Archdiocesan wide Religion assessment.

During our language time, we have continued to classify sentences, add endings to words and continued our study/writing of poems. We’ve finished our latest Phonics unit and will move on to the next area, which is vowel pairs, vowel diphthongs, and vowel digraphs. We will read 2 stories about Johnny Appleseed/John Chapman and one about a pioneer family moving west. While completing these stories, we will complete both reading strategies and social studies activities. We’ve finished reading our first story, “John Chapman: Planter & Pioneer.” We’ll complete some more activities on this story next week before taking the quiz.

In Math, we finished up chapter 7 with our test on time yesterday. Next, we move on to measurement, beginning with standard units of measurement and later with the metric system.

This past week, we took our unit 5 test in Science. Next week, we will move back to Social Studies, where we will look at our government.

  • The Communion banners are BEAUTIFUL! They are in the hallway for the school to enjoy, but they will be placed on your child’s pew for First Communion. Be sure to tell your family to look for it when they come to church. The seating chart will be sent home this week so that you can know and let family know where your child will be.
  • This is the weekend … CardinalPalooza on Saturday, April 29th? It’s always a great evening with fellow cardinals. You can preview the live items, raffles and more online. Here is the link. Be sure to check out our items!