Dear Parents of our Stellar Second Grade! We had a great first week in second grade, we learned a lot about friendship, teamwork and being kind. Our class learned who Saint Cletus and Saint Faustina are, and why they are important saints. We began working on our Simple Solutions workbooks, as well as our intoMath...Read More
Communion and May Crowning were beautiful. What a wonderful couple of days, receiving Jesus for the first time and honoring His mother. For the remaining weeks of school, we will spend our religion time wrapping up Second Step and learning how to love and serve God. In Math, we took our test on Data. We...Read More
We finished talking about the Mass, as part of our preparation for First Holy Communion. We spent the most recent week practicing for Communion and May Crowning, which we will lead along with eighth grade. A note was sent home about Communion and May Crowning. Please be sure to read it for some important reminders....Read More
In Religion, we’ve wrapped up our study of the Mass. We’ll be reviewing the Mass, practicing how to receive Communion, and practicing a special song in the two weeks leading up to Communion. Soon, we will begin to practice for our May Crowning Mass. This Mass is on Monday, May 6, at 9:30 AM, and...Read More
In religion, we have finished talking about the first main part of Mass, which is the Liturgy of the Word. We’ve broken it down into its parts and will review it over the next few weeks, multiple times. We have moved on to the Liturgy of the Eucharist, having just begun discussing what it is....Read More
In Religion, we continued to delve into the Mass. We looked at who is involved in the Mass and their roles. We also talked about the Introductory Rites, the beginning of Mass. Our next step is to look at the first main part of Mass: The Liturgy of the Word. In Math, we wrapped up...Read More
In Religion, we have officially started to prepare for First Holy Communion by learning about the Last Supper and how it relates to the Mass. The children learned that Mass is both a meal and a sacrifice. We spoke at length about what happened during the Last Supper. We also continue our Second Step discussions,...Read More
We’ve had a great start to the new calendar year and second half of 2nd grade. These last two weeks, we learned about Confirmation, specifically looking at how the Holy Spirit helps us. We will talk about the Church Year next week, looking at each season and its significance. Next week, we will also focus...Read More
We’ve been doing some fun Advent activities in Religion, from creating Nativity scenes to working on an Advent Wreath and a winter scene. Next week, we will focus heavily on our Second Step program, along with some other Advent activities. After Christmas break, we begin our study of the Mass in preparation for Communion. We...Read More
In Religion, we learned about the Great Commandment. We’ve also looked closely at what each of the Ten Commandments means and discussed how the Ten Commandments relate to the Great Commandment. A copy of the Commandments has been sent home. Please start helping your child memorize all ten. They will be tested on the Ten...Read More