Second-2-None: Week of 5/8

The last two weeks have been very busy for our second graders. We prepared fully for first Holy Communion reviewing the Mass, practicing how to receive Jesus, and talking about what will happen on First Communion Day. We also spent time practicing for May Crowning Mass, in which the second-grade class has an important role. That Mass, which took place this past Monday, was absolutely beautiful! This week in Religion, we took time looking at our Second Step program. We looked at how to calm ourselves, control impulses, and solve a problem. Next week, we begin to look at how different people serve God, from the priesthood to laity. 

During our language time, we learned two new songs: Preposition and Object of the Preposition. Next week, we begin classifying prepositional phrases. We’ve also learned about vowel pairs and have moved on to vowel digraphs. The children have been doing quite well with these rules for reading vowel teams. We’ve also begun to read our second story about Johnny Appleseed. With this story, there are many text features that we use to learn information about him. After we are done, we will compare the two stories with a Venn diagram.  

We will wrap up our measurement chapter with the test early next week. Then, we move on to data and graphing. This is usually a quick and very fun chapter for the class.  

We’ll be finishing up the unit on government next week and have a test on it towards the end of the week. We then move on to some of our country’s history and how it was long ago. This ties perfectly with our reading stories, which focus on pioneers. 

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  • Thank you to everyone for your help in preparing the children for First Communion and your attendance at May Crowning. It meant so much to the children that we had so many parents and grandparents there.  
  • Our next D4D is on Tuesday, May 16, at Portillo’s on Harlem Ave. in Summit from 5PM – 8PM. What a great way to support the school, while you feed the family.  
  • The field trip to the Museum was wonderful! The kids are raving about all the things that they saw. Thank you to all the chaperones who went on the trip. It isn’t an easy one, being on your feet all day, on top of the long drive. It is very appreciated! 