We are getting into the swing of things rather well. The class has learned the rules, expectations and most routines. We’ve been working hard on iReady too. What troopers!!
In Religion, we’ve continued to talk about the Blessed Trinity and read a wonderful book to help understand the Trinity. We took time this past week to review common prayers and even created a prayer book of our own.
In Math, we continue our study of numbers in chapter 2 by looking numbers to 1,000. On Fridays, we will often (but not always) work on our iReady My Path lessons. There will be times that we do some fun different things too, like playing math games or solving a Math Mystery based on clues that we receive. How is the practice of basic addition facts coming? It really will help your child as we progress to 2- and 3- digit addition and subtraction. There are some great apps and websites for Math. One of my favorites is https://www.coolmathgames.com/.
In Super Kids this week, we began unit 1 and were very busy learning the ch, tch, and sh sounds. We talked about what possessive nouns are and how to write them correctly. This was rather difficult for some, but no worries. We will review this concept throughout the year. I even have a fun project planned to help! In reading, we’re looking at nonfiction articles. Ask you child about the skateboard articles and the interesting ice cream flavors. We read two chapters in our readers together, and then we practice reading with partners to increase fluency. With our spelling words, we talked about what pronouns and possessive pronouns are. We will continually review what these are throughout the year, as well. In writing, we are working on friendly letters. Next week, you will receive a form to fill out the address of whom your child has chosen to write his/her letter. Once it’s complete, your child will address the envelope and bring it home to mail. (I will provide the stamp.)
We finished everything in science unit 1, including the test. Next week, we will move on to technology and the design process.
Beginning in two weeks, each child will have a turn to be the Student of the Week. A poster, along with directions, will come home when it’s your child’s turn. Please have them complete the poster neatly, coloring it all, drawing in their own pictures, and bringing four pictures to share.
- Grandfriend’s Day is Thursday, September 21. An invitation and instructions for your RSVP was sent home with the Oldest/Only child a couple of weeks back. Our webpage also has a link to RSVP. Please respond so that the appropriate preparations can be made for each of our special guests. Here’s the link to RSVP. https://stcletusschool.com/grandfriends/
- A Google form will be emailed to you this weekend in regards to your child’s dismissal on Grandfriend’s Day. Please be sure to complete and submit it ASAP. Thank you!
- There is NO School on Friday, September 22.