In Religion, we have officially started to prepare for First Holy Communion by learning about the Last Supper and how it relates to the Mass. The children learned that Mass is both a meal and a sacrifice. We spoke at length about what happened during the Last Supper. We also continue our Second Step discussions, which is our Social & Emotional support curriculum. Next week, we will talk about Ash Wednesday and Lent. Soon, we will begin our Growing with God program. Look for a letter explaining this to come home soon.
In Math, we worked hard at three-digit addition and subtraction. Most are doing quite well. Those word problems get to be a little tricky. Some steps that I ask you to reinforce are to underline the question, circle important information, and decide if they are looking for the WHOLE or a PART. This helps determine if they add or subtract. We’ll finish up this chapter on Tuesday with the chapter test. Next, we move on to money. Please start pulling out some change for your child to get familiar with the look of the coins and counting coins.
In Superkids, we have looked at vowel pairs, silent letters in words, synonyms, antonyms, context clues, and punctuating dialogue. Specifically, within Reading class, we have spent lots of time on sequence of events. We’ve talked about figurative language. We’ve created a fictional character and wrote a fictional narrative with that character, which will be completed next week with the final piece, a picture.
I am enjoying our ancestry projects so much! We’ve had a little more than half the class present. So, we will finish the presentations next week. I always ask each student the same question … “What did you enjoy most about this project?” I’ve loved hearing the majority tell me it was learning more about their ancestors’ country and learning something new.
We will be wrapping up our science unit on plants next week. Look for the unit, along with lesson review quizzes, to come home and help prepare your child for the test. After that, we will toggle back to Social Studies and learn about our Goods & Services.
- St. Cletus’ Spring Auction, which is on Saturday, April 27, is in full swing. So, mark your calendars and plan to join your fellow Cletus families (adults only) for a great night Cardinal Comedy Night 2024.
- Weekly Stations of the Cross begins next week. Join us in church at 2:30 PM as we journey with our Lord to Calvary.