We’ve had a great start to the new calendar year and second half of 2nd grade.
These last two weeks, we learned about Confirmation, specifically looking at how the Holy Spirit helps us. We will talk about the Church Year next week, looking at each season and its significance. Next week, we will also focus on some special activities in preparation for our celebration of Catholic Schools’ Week.
In Phonics, we’ve learned about ‘oo’ and the different sounds that it can make. We also talked about what synonyms are and identified several, as well as reviewed the job of quotation marks. In Reading, we read a wonderful story titled “Tornado.” It was a great story taking place in two different settings, present and past. Ask your child to tell you about it. While reading this story, we worked on a sequence of events, finding evidence, and different points of view.
Cursive is going well. The slant is tough for most, but it often is. Remind your child to make sure the undercurve really swings out to help with the slant. (They should think of a swing.) Please do not have your child write in cursive until the letters are taught, so that it isn’t confusing for him/her. We’ve begun with letters starting with an undercurve. When they are writing in cursive, remind them to sit properly; both feet on the ground, chair in, backs against the back of the chair, paper tilted, and free hand keeping the paper in place. Please be sure to look at the corrected cursive worksheets when they go home. If words or letters are circled, with a “REDO” written on it, please have your child correct whatever was circled.
We finished Chapter 5 in Math this week by completing our test. Next, we will add and then subtract two 3-digit numbers. Please keep practicing basic math facts. I’m noticing simple computational errors often. The website, Cool math Games, has a fun game called Math Lines that helps with basic math facts. I’ve been known to play it for fun! Here is the link. You just need to search for Math Lines and choose the addition game. https://www.coolmathgames.com/
Social Studies has been fun while learning about different landforms and bodies of water. We’ve discussed how different places have distinct characteristics and how we use that to identify the landform or body of water. We’ve discussed producers and consumers, along with listed natural resources and their importance. We’ve identified ways to conserve our natural resources, too. Next week, we’ll review, do a little project, and have our Unit 2 test on Tuesday. Please be sure your child studies a little each day. The textbook and a study packet went home to study.
- How’s the ancestor project going? The final presentation frame paper (which went home already and is written by using the planning sheet) is due Monday, January 22. We will use that on Tuesday to write the final paper in class, in paragraph form. It’s copied right from the presentation frame. So, please make sure your child writes clear, complete sentences. The completed doll is due Wednesday, January 24. These will be displayed at the Open House during Catholic Schools Week for all to enjoy! I already have one turned in, and it’s AMAZING! After Catholic Schools Week, they will present their speeches and dolls.
- Catholic Schools’ Week is fast approaching. Look for information next week on the special activities we will have during the week to celebrate our school.
- St. Cletus is gearing up for its Spring Auction, which is on Saturday, April 27. So, mark your calendars and plan to join your fellow Cletus families (adults only) for a great night Cardinal Comedy Night 2024.
- Please mark your calendar for Thursday, January 25, from 7 – 8 PM for the Parent Meeting about First Holy Communion. Only one parent needs to attend. Also, this meeting is for adults only. Your child need not attend.