In Religion, we learned about the Great Commandment. We’ve also looked closely at what each of the Ten Commandments means and discussed how the Ten Commandments relate to the Great Commandment. A copy of the Commandments has been sent home. Please start helping your child memorize all ten. They will be tested on the Ten Commandments in both written and oral form after First Reconciliation. Also, the Act of Contrition was sent home and that will have to be memorized. We will be saying that prayer at dismissal daily to help remember it. The oral test for that prayer will be after First Reconciliation, as well.
Within Chapter 4 of Math, we look at adding 2-digit numbers. Please refer to the Model and Draw of each lesson if you are uncertain about the steps used when breaking apart to make a 10, as this skill does take practice. We are adding two 2-digit addends and learning various strategies to do so, such as making a 10, breaking down, drawing pictures, etc. We will continue next week. Don’t forget, there is a YouTube video for each lesson. Just copy and paste into the address bar and find Grade 2 Lesson 4.?? (whichever number lesson we are on) to watch the break down. You will have to scroll down a bit to find the lesson number that we are completing. Parents, I know that breaking apart to make a ten can be very difficult. Keep in mind, this is just one strategy your child will learn to add and subtract. I do my best to have the class understand they will have multiple strategies in their tool bag to use.
We’ve done quite a bit of writing lately. The class wrote and opinion piece about what I should be for Halloween. Then, they wrote an acrostic poem about Thanksgiving. Lastly, they completed a creative piece about a turkey for Thanksgiving.
We have switched back to science to study animals. The class got to take a virtual field trip to the San Diego Zoo to visit some animals. We will finish the unit on animals after Thanksgiving break.
- Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up soon, on November 21st, and the sign up has opened. If you need an alternative day to meet, due to a trip, work schedule, etc., please let me know. I’m open to meeting on another day.
- Don’t forget to mark your calendar for First Reconciliation on Saturday, December 2, 2023. More information to come after the Parent-Teacher conferences.
- Please also mark your calendar for Thursday, December 14, 2023. Grades 1 – 8 will celebrate Christmas a little early with their Christmas concert that evening. It should prove to be a beautiful evening.
- The Ten Commandments and The Act of Contrition were sent home last week. Please have your child start memorizing both. I will be testing them on both mid-December. We will be practicing in class as well, but that will not be enough to recite them for me.