We finished talking about the Mass, as part of our preparation for First Holy Communion. We spent the most recent week practicing for Communion and May Crowning, which we will lead along with eighth grade. A note was sent home about Communion and May Crowning. Please be sure to read it for some important reminders.
We have practiced adding endings to verbs, remembering our special rules about doubling the last consonant or dropping the silent -e. These rules were reinforced with our spelling work this week. We are almost finished with our descriptive papers about someone we know. Our alliterations are hung in the hallway, and we have received so many compliments already. Our Super Kids magazine – The Inside Story – is all about insides. So far, we’ve read about the inside of caves, what dogs are thinking inside, and what’s in our dreams. We’ll finish the magazine next week and wrap up the year with our next novel.
We’ve completed our study on measurements in Math. The class created a measurement flower garden, which is also decorating our halls. We’ve moved on to Data, which is going very well so far! Once that is done, we only have geometry left.
In Social Studies, we are into our third lesson on governments. We have talked about both the local government and state government. We’ll be looking at our federal government, as well as some map skills. The test will be the week of May 13.