Communion and May Crowning were beautiful. What a wonderful couple of days, receiving Jesus for the first time and honoring His mother. For the remaining weeks of school, we will spend our religion time wrapping up Second Step and learning how to love and serve God.
In Math, we took our test on Data. We will wrap it up next week with our M&M graphing project. We only have one chapter left, geometry & fraction concepts, which will begin early in the week.
We have begun to read our last novel, Charlotte’s Web. We will read it and use various reading strategies while completing the novel, from sequencing, summarizing to comparing/contrasting and many others. We will have 2 more spelling tests this school year, in addition to finishing up cursive letters. you may have noticed that they are required to write Word Work pages in cursive.
We’ve finished up Social Studies with the Unit 4 test. We will move back to science to wrap the year up. However, we will also have some social studies work woven into our lessons, including a visit from someone to show us the way to fold the American flag and its importance.