Hello Third Grade Families,
This week the students will be coming home with the prayer, poems and book report projects for October. The due dates for projects are Prayer: October 14th, Poems: October 21st, and Book Reports: October 24th.
CONGRATULATIONS to this week’s PBIS ticket winner Max Jones. Remember that Students have MANY different opportunities in the classroom to earn PBIS tickets everyday. Some of the ways are FULLY completing and turning in homework NEATLY and ON TIME. Following ALL directions and NEATLY completing classwork assignments the same day. Memorizing multiplication facts 0 to 12 (the students get 1 ticket for each set of facts memorized.) There will be many more opportunities added through the year.
Exciting Events to Remember for this week
Monday October 10th: NO SCHOOL ~
Tuesday October 11th: 8:00 am Mass. PLEASE be sure to be on time for our 7:45 arrival.
Wednesday October 12th: Hot Lunch PBIS assembly today at 2:00.
Thursday October 13th : PINK and BLUE dress down day to support cancer awareness, The students are asked to donate a dollar or more to this VERY worthy cause. Thank you to all Third Graders and their families in advance for your generosity.
Friday October 14th: Hot Lunch. Students will recite their October poems today.
This Week in Class
Math: This week we will begin another chapter centered on Multiplication. We will be working with multiples of 2’s and seeing that when you multiply by two’s, it is similar to adding doubles. We will then move on to learning the multiples of five and associate these facts will skip counting by fives. The students will use number lines,and models to enhance their knowledge of these two factors (2’s and 5’s). The students should continue with the next 4 lessons in their Simple Solutions Books. We will check them on Friday Morning. PLEASE check with your child to be sure they are completing these assignments. Four completed lessons gets a student a PBIS ticket.
Social Studies: This week the students will learn about these vocabulary words (geography, community and culture) and how they relate to the world we live in. Each student will create a poster that talks about the city, state, country, continent and planet where they live.
Science: The students will begin learning about the design process that inventors go through they create inventions.
Religion: During the week the class will hear the story of the Mustard Seed and how it relates to our faith and the ways in which God shows His love for us.
Spelling: Due to the shortened week, the words were sent home on Friday October 7th. THe spelling words contain the V / C silent e pattern. Homework during the week will still be on Tuesday and Thursday night
Phonics: The second Unit in our Phonics
Shurley English: This week the students will be review the five items EVERY sentence MUST have to be complete. These five things are Start with a capital letter, have one of three ending marks, have at least one noun and one verb and finally the sentence MUST make sense. We will also will be working on identifying nouns, verbs and adverbs in sentences.