Tales of the Third Grade Everything

Hello Third Grade Families

This week we attended the beginning of the year Mass on Wednesday.  During Mass we sat with our Pre school buddies to help them learn the appropriate way to act in Mass.  We celebrated Kateri Kellihers birthday on the 2nd.  A big thank you to Mr Keeley who came in and talked about the life and paintings of Grant Woods.


Fun things that will be happening in and around the third grade classroom this week.

Monday, September 5th:  No school in observance of Labor Day.  Enjoy the LONG weekend!!!

Tuesday, September 6th:  Please be on time for school at 7:45 so that we can gt to Mass on time.  Please encourage your child to use the washroom before coming to school.  If your schedule allows please join us for Mass.

Friday September 9th:  Football Dress Down Day!! Wear the colors, jersey or any other item the tells us who your favorite football team is.  Please remember to wear gym shoes today as well we do have gym.  LIBRARY BOOKS ARE DUE BACK TODAY!!  PLEASE SEND BOOKS BACK TODAY SO THAT NEW ONES CAN BE CHECKED OUT.


Projects for the month of September and their due dates:

September Prayer:  ANGEL of GOD is the prayer the students will be required to memorize and then recite to me privately on the 15th of September.  

September Poem:  The students will be given a list of poems to choose from on Monday, August 29th.  Students should pick a poem from the list to memorize during the month and them present to the class on Friday September 23rd.  The students MUST memorize their poems and add emotion to their voices for their  presentations.  Students are also welcome to add hand gestures and props to their presentations.

September BookreportsEach month the students will be required to read a chapter book (NO GRAPHIC NOVELS!!!) and then create a project centered around their books.  Book report presentations will be given during the last week of each month.  September’s book reports will begin September 29th and finish October 2nd.  I will be sending the book report information home of Monday, August 29th.  

All projects are assigned far enough in advance so that there is enough time for students to complete and turn the projects in on time. 

Here’s what the class will be working on in every subject in third grade this week:

Religion: As we begin our SECOND STEPS  program the students will learn that feelings can change in different ways.  We will begin our Religion book this we  ek as well.  This week we will learn that God the Son became one of us to save us from sin and that Jesus grew up in Nazareth.

Math:  The students will be assigned four lessons in the SIMPLE SOLUTIONS book each week to be completed by Friday.  We will correct and explain lessons in class on Friday morning.  The students will then take a quiz to show their understanding of the material.  We will also start a chapter about multiplication in our Math Series.  The topics that will be worked on this week will be: counting equal groups, relating addition and multiplication as well as skip counting on a number line.  The class will begin the iReady Math Diagnostic this week as well.  PLEASE be sure that your child has their head phones in their backpack.

Science:  The students will be learning about the investigation process.  We will look at and learn about the different tools scientists use as they conduct scientific investigations.

Reading:  The class will begin the iReady Reading Diagnostic this week as well.  PLEASE be sure that your child has their head phones in their backpack.    The story this week is about a boy trying to find the perfect spot to sell lemonade in order to win   The students will read this story on their chrome books and will have access to the story at home as well.  The link will be on our google classroom website.  I will be sending information about how you can connect to the site at home.

Phonics:  We continue phonics work identifying medial and final consonants in words using auditory and visual clues.  Also this week we will work with the hard and soft sounds of c and g.

Spelling: Our spelling words this week have us working with the spelling patterns of words with short O and E sounds.  During the week the class will complete activities that help the strengthen their knowledge of the week’s words.  The students will have spelling homework on both Tuesday and Thursday nights.  This homework is DUE BACK the next day.  Please be sure that your child uses their BEST handwriting on both pages and that they put both their first and last names on the pages.

Shurley English: The class will be talking about good and bad study habits as well as where to use capital letters in sentences.

Social Studies: Our new series has the students learning about communities focusing in on the people who work there and the special events that make their communities different from others.




About the author

My name is Lisa Gearen. I started teaching at St. Cletus in 2003. I taught first grade for 14 years and now teach 3rd. I have a bachelors degree in Communication and a Masters in Elementary Education. I received both degrees from Concordia University. I also have an associates degree in Early Childhood Education as well as being a Certified Catechist.