~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEWS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Religion: This week as we work our Second Step program we will be talking about and role playing ways that we can express concern for people around us. Using our Religion series the class will hear about and discuss ways Jesus’ taught us about the gift of faith God gave us.
Reading: We will be finishing our mystery novel “The Case of the Gasping Garbage.” The students will be completing a review of vocabulary and comprehension questions as they prepare for a short quiz about the novel.
Phonics: The class will be completing the second unit in our Phonics workbook. During the 2nd Unit the class reviewed the LONG and SHORT sounds of vowels. This week the class will demonstrate their understanding of the different vowel sounds.
Spelling: The class is starting the 8th Unit of our spelling curriculum. The words we will be working with will have the LONG A sound when it is spelled using: ai or ay.
Math: When have been having a great time learning to read the different types of graphs and charts to understand data that has been provided for us. We have worked with both vertical and horizontal graphs. The class has read and filled out frequency, tally charts, picture graphs as well as line plots. We will continue to work with Data both in our regular Math books as well as Math Simple Solutions and iReady.
Science: The class will be working with the different forms of measurement: scales, rulers, tape measures, measuring cups and other tools to gather information.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Upcoming Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Monday Oct. 18th: We have school today!!! Sharing our blessing prayers service and bon fire. Please see the school website for more information.
Tuesday Oct 19th: 8:00am Mass. PLEASE be sure to have your child to school on the today. The school doors open at 7:45. Also be sure to have your child use the washroom before coming to school.
Friday Oct 22nd:Library Books are due back today. Flashlight Friday: be sure to send your child’s mystery books to school today as well as a WORKING flashlight.