Spirit Wear Dress Down-Friday 9/16 (No short shorts allowed!)
7th/8th Grade Dance is this Friday 9/16–6:30-8:00pm
Grandfriends Mass–Please turn in permission slip to leave with special friend!
Mums–Last Day to order–Friday 9/16!
October 20th–7:00pm Commitment Ceremony (Mandatory)
Field Trip: More information to come…Holy Fire Experience October 14th.
Math: Our math coach has started! This first week (day one)she sat in on a seventh grade math class and assisted with students while they completed a worksheet. On Day Two she pulled a group of students who had trouble with the first quiz for a smaller, group re-instruction. This is going to be a fluid (week to week) assessment–please do not be concerned if your child gets pulled out. They will not miss core curriculum. Small group (one on one) time with a math coach can be very beneficial to get a student to better understand a concept. In addition, she may pull students that need additional time or were absent and in need of catch up. I have coached/counselled the students that it is not a big deal to be pulled out! Absolutely no assumptions should be voiced as to why a student is going to resource. As a math teacher, I can say this is a very exciting and much needed addition to our math program at St Cletus!
**We are moving quickly through multiplying integers and will have a quiz on mod 2 on Tuesday 9/20. Simple Solutions quiz will be on Friday 9/23. I cannot stress enough how important it is to know your math facts 1-12! Parents–please quiz students when you are driving from place to place, sitting at siblings activities, bored on the weekends. I am noticing after 5 many seventh graders do not know them. Yes, you will need to know 6-12 :).
In Religion, we are still focused on Genesis…In the beginning and all our God’s creations. We will be drawing one of the days creations for hallway display. Though science can explain how evolution has transformed the earth–how did it all ever begin? The answer is….GOD! God has his hand in all creation from the BEGINING and it is GOOD.
We will be pulling the first prize winner for PBIS this Friday as well as attending a Spirit Pep Rally! The eighth grade will be performing a dance to kick off the fun and it is out of uniform (spirit wear)!
Please do not hesitate to reach out with me Thanks! Mrs VW