First Grade Fun

Hi Parents:
As our week is coming to a close, I want to give you a little glimpse of this past week in first grade.
We learned how to write the letter “Ii.” We started our third math book in the “Go Math” series. This book is on “Addition Strategies.” The children and I are working very hard on these books, along with our Math Coach. Our Math Coach comes in on Wednesdays and Thursdays to assess our progress and assist in teaching. 
Chess club started this week, as well as Rainbows. There is a large group going to Chess club, and I am happy to see them work on their chess skills.
In Spelling, we are working on the “ff” pattern.  In Religion, we learned about the Good Samaritan and the Ten Commandments. We are enjoying little videos of Bible Stories, too.  In Reading, we read different stories about how animals sleep.  We took some extra time to learn about bats, since Halloween is quickly approaching.  Next week is “Red Ribbon Week.”  There will be a variety of activities going on to promote healthy living and staying away from drugs.  A flyer went home to update you on these activities.  

Have a nice, safe weekend!!  

