Hi Parents! Catholic Schools Week is upon us! This is the best week of our school year, as we love to showcase our wonderful school. We have lots going on, so feel free to join us as often as you can.Sunday, January 26- We start out at 10:30 Mass with our faculty and parishioners. It’s...Read More
Hi parents! Happy New Year! A new year has begun and we are busy learning new things and looking forward to Catholic Schools Week. In Religion class, we are learning about the Holy Spirit. We learned that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Blessed Trinity, and that he will help us in...Read More
Hi Parents:It’s almost time to celebrate the birth of our Lord. Tomorrow is our last day, and many wishes to all for a Safe and Happy Holiday Season. It will be nice to spend time with family, and also remember the reason for the season.First Grade was very busy this past week, with making presents...Read More
Hi Parents:Happy “Our Lady of Guadalupe” feast day! Today is the feast day of our Lady, and we started the day out with a beautiful presentation at the Church. It was wonderful to see the children re-enact this beautiful story, In Religion class, we are studying Advent and the meaning behind the four candles. Our...Read More
Hello parents!Happy Halloween! I hope today brings some fun for everyone.The first graders are dressed and ready to have their party this morning. This afternoon, we will be doing trunk or treat with the parents. It’s so much fun to see how much they decorate the cars and make it a blast for the children.These...Read More
Good morning, parents!We are midway thru the month of October, and we have been so busy! We are working in our Superkids and reading more fluently every day! We are doing book reports and sharing our favorite books with the class. In Math class, we are working on adding 3 numbers and adding in different...Read More
Hi Parents!Happy October! October is starting off on the right foot with beautiful weather and lots of activities for us to do. We have been very busy in first grade in all of our classes. In Religion, we are learning about the Holy Family, and how Jesus was when he was a little boy. We...Read More
Hello, parents!Today is Grandfriends’ day at St. Cletus school! We are so excited to welcome all of our Grandfriends’ to mass this afternoon at 1:15. We can’t wait to celebrate with them, and enjoy a treat afterwards in the Parish Center. First grade has been very busy lately! We have been learning about Jesus and...Read More
Hello, parents!It’s finally here, the St. Cletus Fall Fest! It starts today, with rides, food, drink, and bands. The Dunk Tank is also this evening. Come and purchase 6 throws for $10. It should be loads of fun.God blessed us with beautiful weather. Let’s take advantage of it and come out and enjoy the fest.Our...Read More
Hello Parents! Welcome to a brand new school year! First grade is off and running, and I am happy to meet my brand new class.This week, we started our specials and got to meet our special teachers. Here is our schedule for first grade. Monday, we have gym class @ 8:50-9:30. Gym uniforms should be...Read More