Hello Everyone,
We had an amazing first week of school. We spent a lot of time this week learning rules and procedures that will be followed in third grade. The students created stickers to label folders as “Daily Turn in, and Graded Paper.” They also made name tags for clothes pins that will be used to hang projects in the room. Finally the class made name posters that are hanging in the hallway.
We also spent time hearing presentations of the Summer Book Report projects. The students have done a WONDERFUL job. These book report projects and presentations are a GREAT warm up for the year ahead.
The students brought home two workbooks on Friday. Please read this carefully so you know what will be expected of your child when they are using these books.
Math Simple Solutions:
The students are assigned 4 lessons each week (One lesson should be completed every night). Please do NOT let your child do more. The students can work at their own pace each week to complete the 4 lessons (one each night or all at the same time). Thank you. After completing each night’s lesson please be sure your child puts the book back in their backpack so that they can correct it the next day. Please be sure that your child does every problem and follows ALL directions. I will be checking every morning to be sure the night’s lessons are completed. Each lesson is worth 2 points for a grade on their report cards.
IntoMath Homework Workbook:
This work book contains the pages that will be assigned as homework each night. Please be sure to keep this book in a SAFE and easy to find place. Please be sure that your child is CAREFUL when they are ripping the pages out. Please be sure that your child put their first and last names on these papers. Please be sure that your child completes ALL the work and follows ALL directions. Math homework is DUE back to school the next day. Math homework is worth Two point per assignment towards the Math Grade.
Fun things to remember for the week:
Tuesday August 27th: 8:00am Mass. Please be sure that your child eats breakfast and uses the washroom before coming to school. If you will be at Mass your child is welcome to sit with you as long as they come back to the class afterwards.
Friday August 30th: 9:30 Mass of the Holy Spirit. Please join us if your schedule allows.
Monday September 2nd: Labor Day ~ No School. Enjoy the long weekend.
Here’s what we will be doing in class this week:
Religion: The class will read and discuss facts about the Blessed Trinity. We will learn about what life was like when Jesus was a child. We will talk about how His childhood was similar to our’s. The class will also read about the work that Jesus did when he was here on earth. Students will learn the meanings of the terms BLESSED TRINITY, INCARNATION, PROPHET, REPENT, and PUBLIC MINISTRY.
Math: Our new Math series “IntoMath” has the students learning to understand Multiplication and Area. The students will be using these vocabulary terms EQUAL GROUPS, FACTORS, MULTIPLY, PRODUCT, ARRAY, and COMMUTATIVE PROPERTY OF MULTIPLICATION as they work through problems.
Science: We will start a chapter that will have the class learning how to design a solution to a problem.
Reading; Our first story this year is titled “Location, Location Location.” This is a story about a boy who is trying to find a GREAT location to sell Lemonade. “Location, Location, Location” is a short story taken from the novel “Lemon Ade Wars.” As the class reads the story, they will be asking and answering questions both verbally and using worksheets posted on our google classroom to enhance their comprehension skills. The class will be defining unfamiliar words from the story.
Phonics: This week the students will be working with Initial, Medial and Final consonant sounds in words. The class will also review the sounds of hard and soft C and G.
Spelling: The first Unit list in our Spelling Series contains words that have either a short i or short a sounds. The students will learn how to use google classroom to complete the spelling work that will be assigned each week. The class will be taking both a list and a standardized spelling list this Friday. Please be sure to help your child study the words during the week so they are prepared.