Tales From the Third Grade Classroom February 3rd to 7th

Hello Everyone!  I hope you have had a great Weekend

Please be sure that your child eats a good breakfast each morning before coming to school they need the energy to stay focused.  Also remember to send in healthy snacks to enjoy during snack time.

  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~February Projects Due Dates~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

February Prayer will be recited on Wednesday February 12th.

February Poems will be Presented on Wednesday February 19th


Feed My Starving Children

We will be going on our FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN fieldtrip this Thursday.  We will leave school at 10:50 and return by 2:00.  The students will be eating lunch at 10:00 so please add a healthy snack to enjoy when we return from the trip.  Please be sure that your child wears their gym uniform.  Be sure that they wear both their tshirt and sweatshirt as well as gym shoes.  The room that we pack in does get warm so it would be wise to wear layers.  The room does get noisey so if your child is sensitive to noise please provide ear plugs.  FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN does ask that we leave our jewelry at home and that long hair be worn in a ponytail.    Parent Volunteers please be at school between 10:15 and 10:30 sop that we can board the busses on time.                                    

Here’s what we will be doing in class this week:

Religion:  During class this week we will finish our discussion about the fact that Jesus has the power over life and death.  Our discussions have been about the meaning of the Second Coming and ways to stay awake in our spiritual faith that Jesus will come again.  During the class discussions, the students have learned about the meanings of the terms Heaven and Last Judgement.

Math:  The students will review for the Chapter 6 Test on Wednesday.  Math Simple Solutions will be on hold this week and resume on the 10th of February. 

Reading;  Historic Fiction Book Reports will continue this week.

Phonics:   This week the class will learn how to add these suffixes-en, -able, -ible, -ion, and -ment to word.  We will also learn the meaning of these suffixes and how they change the word.   

Spelling:   This week’s words are a review of Units 13 to 17.  Due to the short week and field trip we will spend two weeks on the review unit and take the Spelling test on February 14th.   

Fun Things to Remember this week:

Tuesday February 4th:  8:00 am Mass Please join us in Mass if your schedule allows.  The kids love sitting with you during the Mass.  

Wednesday February 5th: D4D at the McDonalds in Countryside

Thursday February 6th: Fieldtrip tp Feed My Starving Children.  

Friday February 7th: NO SCHOOL TEACHER IN ~ SERVICE  





About the author

My name is Lisa Gearen. I started teaching at St. Cletus in 2003. I taught first grade for 14 years and now teach 3rd. I have a bachelors degree in Communication and a Masters in Elementary Education. I received both degrees from Concordia University. I also have an associates degree in Early Childhood Education as well as being a Certified Catechist.