Tales From the Third Grade Classroom January 13th to 17th

Hello Everyone!  I hope you have had a great Weekend

Due to the fact that the students will be working on the iReady diagnostic there will not be a lot of homework this week.  Each night the students should complete MSS lessons 61 to 64.  Study for the spelling test on Friday.    Prayers (January 15th) and Poems (January 17th) will still be recited on their assigned days.   

iReady 100% Club Update

New Members to the iReady 100% club are:  Evelyn Kress, Joaquin Cabeza, Bella Wyroba, Ronnie Biamonte, Hadleigh Schrock – Slowik.  These five new members earned their spots before Christmas break and received their prizes as well.  Great Job!!!!!!!!!!!!  

We also celebrated the fact that Eva Totonchi and Frankie Navarete have filled their iReady Pins for the second time.  GREAT JOB Eva and Frankie!!!

Feed My Starving Children

The permission slip for Feed My Starving Children has been sent home and is due back on the 21st.  Thank you to everyone who sent in their slip volunteering to join us. I told the students that the first 6 slips that were returned would be the chaperones.  I will send out an email soon with a list of our six chaperones and one substitute.   


Here’s what we will be doing in class this week:

Religion:  During class this week we will be discussing the fact that Jesus has the power over life and death.  As we continue our discussion we will hear about the meaning of the Second Coming:  Jesus will come again.  During the class discussions , the students will learn the meanings of the terms Heaven and Last Judgement.

Math:  The students will learn to make or draw an array to solve division problems to find the number of objects in each row or the number of rows.   The students will learn to solve division word problems.  We will learn to represent division in different ways like using objects, drawings, and equations bar models.  This week the students should complete Simple Solution Lesson 61 to 64

Science:   The students will learn about the terms:  variable and force as they apply to an experiment we will be doing during this unit.  

Reading;  This week we will read the iReady story “The Ant and the Grasshopper.”   After reading the story we will verbally answer questions that start with the questions words: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How.   

Phonics:   This week the class will learn how to add the suffixes -s, -es, -ed and -ing  to the end of words when they end in y, f and fe.     

Spelling:    Our spelling words contain consonant blends and digraphs.  This Friday the students will be bringing how the spelling list for Unit 16 due to the fact that we do not have school on Monday January 20th.  


Fun Things to Remember this week:

Monday January 13th:  

Tuesday January 14th:  Dining for dollars at Lou Malnati’s in Western Springs.

Wednesday January 15th:    PBIS assembly.    Prayer will be recited

Thursday January 16th:  

Friday January 17th:   Poems will be presented.   21 and older trivia night.  

Monday January 20th:  MLK jr.’s birthday NO SCHOOL




About the author

My name is Lisa Gearen. I started teaching at St. Cletus in 2003. I taught first grade for 14 years and now teach 3rd. I have a bachelors degree in Communication and a Masters in Elementary Education. I received both degrees from Concordia University. I also have an associates degree in Early Childhood Education as well as being a Certified Catechist.