Tales From the Third Grade Classroom October 7th to 11th


Here’s what we will be doing in class this week:

Religion:  The class will talk about the ways Jesus told us how much God Loves us.  We will also talk about the ways we learn about the Kingdom of God.

Math:   We will begin Module 3 about learning to solve multiplication problems that have one of these factors 2, 4, 3, 6, 5, and 10 multiplied by another factor.

Social Studies:  This week we will begin a unit about Communities.  The class will talk about the geography of a community. The students will identify the different characteristics that make up a community.  Students will learn about ordinary people who exemplify good citizenship. Describe actions by an individual that changed and improved the community. Each student will create a poster identifying the five different places that they live in: planet, continent, town, state, and country.

Reading;   This week we will continue reading  the novel “The Case of the Gasping Garbage.”   This novel is about a group of friends who are interested in solving mysteries and conducting science experiments.  As we read this novel, the class will spend time talking about how characters actions, and events effect the out comes of the different stories we read.   

Phonics:  Students will review concepts that were both reviewed and learned as we worked on Unit 3 in our Phonics Books.  The students will take end of Unit Three tests.

Spelling:  Our spelling words this week contain the vowel, consonant and silent e pattern.  As the class works with the words this week they will also learn to use analogies, inferences and context clues to reinforce comprehension of words with the VC – e pattern.

Fun Things to Remember this week:

Friday October 11th:   2:00 dismissal remember NO AFTER CARE TODAY.Dress Down for $1 to Support Those Affected by Hurricane Helene.

Monday October 14th:  No school Columbus Day.  Enjoy the long weekend.  




About the author

My name is Lisa Gearen. I started teaching at St. Cletus in 2003. I taught first grade for 14 years and now teach 3rd. I have a bachelors degree in Communication and a Masters in Elementary Education. I received both degrees from Concordia University. I also have an associates degree in Early Childhood Education as well as being a Certified Catechist.