4th Grade News for 10/21

Has it already been 9 weeks since we started school?  Time sure does fly when each day is jam packed with learning!  Here is a look at what is happening in the next two weeks at school:

  • Monday, October 21st: Dining for Dollars at Portillo’s in Summit
  • Tuesday, October 22nd: 8am Mass-  Students should be dropped off at their regular drop off points and head into the classroom. School doors will open at 7:45 am to allow students time to put away their belongings and head to the church as a class. Students arriving late should head straight to church. 
    • 4th Grade Parent Auction Meeting at 6:30 pm in Morrissey Hall
  • Thursday, October 24th:  $1 Dress down in Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness
  • Sunday, October 27th: 10:30 School Family Mass
  • Tuesday, October 29th: 8am Mass- Students should be dropped off at their regular drop off points and head into the classroom. School doors will open at 7:45 am to allow students time to put away their belongings and head to the church as a class. Students arriving late should head straight to church. 
  • Thursday, October 31st:  Classroom Halloween Party @12:45 followed by Trunk or Treat at 1:45.
    • Please remember, that if you are volunteering to help at any school event, you must be Virtus complaint.  Please visit https://stcletusschool.com/volunteering/  or reach out to the school office with any questions.
  • Friday, November 1st: 8am Mass; All Saints Day- Students should be dropped off at their regular drop off points and head into the classroom. School doors will open at 7:45 am to allow students time to put away their belongings and head to the church as a class. Students arriving late should head straight to church. 

Monday, October 28th will also kick off Red Ribbon Week.  This years theme is : Life is a Movie- Make Good Choices. 

  • Monday: Disney Movie Magic! Students show good choices and wear Disney themed clothing or colors to start our week
  • Tuesday: Regular uniform day with crazy socks! Show our buddies we make good choices and play board games together!
  • Wednesday: – P.J. Day and Read! Bring a comfy blanket and a good book! Stay Healthy and Happy – read in your comfy p.j.’s!
  • Thursday: Halloween Costumes! Show good choices and follow our guidelines for your costume.
  • Friday: We stay safe, healthy and respectful! Wear regular school uniform and bring in a red canned food item and show our respect for our All Saints Mass at 8am.

Math:  We have started our 4th Unit and have taken a look at numbers more closely trying to find patterns in our numbers.  This can be done with multiplication and division.  We will also look at large numbers and use estimation to help us solve.

Reading: We started our first novel study and are reading Frindle.  The classes have really been enjoying reading this.  For these next chapters of Frindle we will be focusing on sequencing events, cause and effect, formulating an opinion and using evidence from the text to back up an opinion.

Spelling/Grammar/Writing: In spelling we are working on the long a sound through a, a consonant e, ai, and y. Using our spelling list we will be focusing on sorting our words, using them in analogies, and word structure.  In grammar we are parsing sentences as well as applying the rules of capitalization and punctuation into our editing.

Social Studies: We are learning all about the Midwest Region! Students are studying the states and capitals within that region. Students will also be taking a test to identify the states and capitals within the region. They will be able to retake until they reach 100% mastery.

Religion/SEL: In religion we are talking about ways to ask about forgiveness and reading parables in the bible to guide our discussions.  Our SEL lessons center around setting boundaries and problem solving.

