The first big highlight of this week is that we were chosen as a PBIS (Positive Behavior In School) classrooms of the month!
Secondly, DLI has been working on getting back into their routine after the break. We have also been encouraging the children to use their learned Spanish words in sentences, like, “¿Puedo tomar agua?” As another way of encouraging their understanding and participation in class, we take a portion of our calendar time to ask each of our students about their favorite color, animal, pet, etc. We also did, the Vibora de la Mar, a Mexican tradition during special fiestas. Our students truly enjoyed it and asked to play it a second time.
We have also learned all about letter LLll and dove into letra Mm. We continue practicing our color, shapes and numbers. I love hearing our students come into class and say “Hola, buenos dias”
Since our students have been going above and beyond, Ms. Sonia and I believe that they need to rest on Monday!!!, Therefore we are giving them the day OFF!!! We hope they will be ready to learn on Tuesday. We will kick off the week by finishing letter Mm and learning about Letter Nn. For religion we will be talking about how God calmed the storm and how we should not be scared of God even when there are things that scare us. Also, join us on Sunday 1/26/2025 for our Open House from 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM. Our students are more than welcome to join us at 10:30 a.m. Mass! Hope to see you there!
We finished our week by holding a spirited pep rally in support of the Fighting Irish, who will be playing for the National Championship this coming Monday! You can watch a video of the rally HERE!
Upcoming Events:
- 1/20– NO SCHOOL
- 1/26 – Open House : Invite anyone and Everyone 🙂
- 1/27 – Favorite Plaid Shirt
- 1/28 – Bring a can of soup for the food pantry
- 1/29 – Spirit wear dress down
- 1/30 – Student appreciation
- 1/31 – Red and White Dress down day
Reminders :
- No more additional nap items are needed, we are preparing for Kindergarten.
- Wear climate appropriate clothing.
- Anyone who wants to volunteer in any school event where our students are present must be Virtus Compliant.