December is full of exciting events!
December 6th is our Frog and Toad play. Thank you to all the parents who are able to accompany the first and second grade class.
December 10th is the Winter program
December 1th is the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Mass at 8 AM
December 14th is our First Reconciliation! Please arrive at or before 1:00 PM and confession will end at 3:00 PM
We have been working hard to memorize the Act of Contrition and how we celebrate the Sacrament of Penance. (Psalm 32)
December 18th is the Christmas Program at 9:30 AM
December 2th is the Christmas Mass and we will be dismissed from school at 2 PM to begin our Christmas Break!
We return to school January 8th.
Please have a joy filled Christmas as we celebrate the Incarnation of God, Jesus Christ the King!