First Grade Fun

Good morning parents!
January is almost over, and Catholic Schools Week is just beginning. Our kick-off is Sunday, January 28 where we will attend 10:30 am Mass with our parishioners. After the Mass, please stop by the school for an Open House. Open House will last until 2:30 pm. If you have any friends or neighbors that are looking for a wonderful school for their children, please have them check out St. Cletus. Any St. Cletus students that attend Mass with their parents should wear their school uniform.  Here are some of the activities for the week.
Monday, January 29 is “Sports Jersey Day!” Children can wear their favorite sports shirt with their uniform bottoms.
Tuesday, January 30 is “Our School is Souper!” Bring a can of soup for the food pantry today. We attend Mass together.  Teachers have lunch together, courtesy of FSA.
Wednesday, January 31 is “Teacher Appreciation Day.”
Show some love for your teacher. Spirit wear full dress down day.
Thursday, February 1 is “Student Appreciation Day.”
Full dress down day for the students. Students will spend time with their buddies playing board games or reading books together. No homework today. Milk and cookies for students.
Friday, February 2 is “Red and White Day!” Students in grades 1-8, wear your assigned red or white color along with gym shoes for the red and white volleyball game. These games take place throughout the day. Spirit wear for everyone else. Early childhood students come out and cheer on your buddies.
We hope to see all of you at these Catholic School Week activities. Remember, That every day, “It’s a great day to be a cardinal. You bet.”
