Good morning, parents! Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable break. Now that we are back, let’s see what January has in store for us.
In Math, we are working on “Fact Families.” We are finishing book 5, and are ready to start working on Geometry. We are going to skip ahead and work on Geometry since this is a school goal. We are continuing to read aloud to our classmates daily. We are doing book reports, and reading different books during reading class. In language arts, we continue to work with understanding the parts of the sentence. We love writing in our journals on various topics, and share them with our classmates.
In Science, we are working with plants and flowers. We have lively discussions on different plants, shrubs, and trees.
In Spelling, we are working with the “wh” pattern. The words are getting harder, but we continue to study them and do our best.
In Religion, we are learning about the Holy Spirit, and what place he has in our lives. We know we can always speak to him, and ask him for help when we need it. We love going to Mass, and are getting better at singing the songs and responses. We love Fr. Elmer and Fr. Mike!
We have off on Monday, January 16, for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Let’s reflect on his message of peace and equality for everyone. Enjoy the long weekend.