Fourth Grade News!

What an exciting first few weeks we have been having at St. Cletus.  The classes have been busy establishing new routines and building new relationships.  We tackled our first team building experience by “Saving Fred”.  In this activity the students had to collaborate with one another and work on their communication skills.  Make sure to ask them all about it!

Here’s a look at what is coming up at St. Cletus:
  • Monday, September 2nd- No School
  • Tuesday, September 3rd- 8am Mass
    • School doors will open at 7:45 to allow students extra time to put their belongings away before we head over to the church as a class.
  • Thursday, September 5th- First day of FALL FEST!
  • Friday, September 6th
    • 2pm Dismissal
    • 2nd Night of Fall Fest
  • Monday, September 9th- No School
  • Thursday, September 19th- Grandfriends Mass AT 1:15.  Please make sure to RSVP to this event.  4th Grade will be in charge of this mass!

We have been talking about place value of whole numbers.  In this unit we have been able to identify and understand the place value relationships and learning new ways to write numbers; base-ten numerals, expanded form and number names.  We will be having our first test on this next week Thursday!


During class we have been Reading the book, Porpoises in Peril.   We started by making predictions about the story.  We talked about characters, point of view, and sequence of events.  As we go along time is taken to discuss any vocabulary that is not understood and have had an informative discussion of  first and third person narration.  The classes were sure to point out how much more fun it is to talk about story elements, rather than having to create a book report project. 🙂


Students will learn to define a design problem and identify the constraints and criteria for a design solution. They will also research and design possible solutions to a problem, and investigate how well the solution performs.  The students will apply what they have learned through hands on labs that will be completed about every two weeks.


In this unit the students will continue to learn more about Jesus, who shows us how God the Father wants us to live.  Lesson 1 focuses on four  faith statements:

  • God sent his only Son to us.
  • Jesus shows us how to live.
  • Jesus Christ is our Savior.
  • The disciples spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.

As a class we will discuss ways in school and our community of how we can be disciples of God.  We will also begin to prepare for our Mass that we will lead on September  19th.


 For spelling, we will begin to look at words that contain short AND long vowel  sounds. Using their spelling list students will work on sorting their words based on sound and sorting the words into categories based on the number of syllables.  In Grammar, students will get a refresher on the rules of capitalization and punctuation. As writers the students are developing a “heart map” with ideas for stories. We will then use these to spark their writing when/if they finish another piece. Apart from the “heart maps” students will begin to write narratives.


