Hello October!
I cannot believe that we are on our second month in school! This week we finished our unit on vocales (vowels). We also talked about bautizos (baptism) and what it means to be baptized. Our Saint of the week was San Juan Bautista. We have also been practicing how to be respectful and many of our students have earned their PBIS tickets! One of the fun crafts we did was making leaf suncatchers, which you can see displayed on our windows-they look incredible!
Ms. Sonia and I are so proud of our students; they’re absorbing so many new words and are beginning to use them more often!
Next week, we’ll dive deeper into our learning, and from this point forward, you’ll see and hear even more Spanish. Over the next four weeks, students will learn fall-themed vocabulary and frequently used words. We’ll also focus on four numbers, one color, and one shape each week. In religion, we will learn about Santa Rosa Verini. Additionally, we will practice being responsible by turning in practice papers and following classroom rules.