JK Newsletter December 6, 2024

It was so nice talking to you all at Parent Teacher Conferences! Thanksgiving is now behind us and now we are preparing for Jesus’ Birthday.

We have been practicing for our Christmas play which is December 18th @9:30! WE are SO EXCITED.  Please have your children come in their Christmas “Best” dress outfits that day for the performance.

Advent is our main focus throughout the month of December.  Daily acts of kindness at home each day is a way of preparing our hearts for Jesus on His Birthday. Monday, your kids brought home a sheet with good deed ideas.  This is as simple as holding the door open, helping a sibling, or calling a grandparent to say “hello”.  Each day we gather as a class around  His Manger.  Mrs. Jacobs and I call each student up and the kids tell their deed, OR , if they don’t have one they say, ” I will do one tonight and share tomorrow’.  If they did a Good Deed, then they  add a piece of straw to make the crib “comfy” for Baby Jesus on His Birthday!

Questions for your children:

  • What Saint did we celebrate today? (St. Nicholas)
  • Did you add a piece of Straw to the manger?
  • Who was the caboose this week?

Literacy: Jolly phonics will be “L” and ‘U” this week.

Math: We will be counting , sorting, graphing and making tally marks in calendars and in centers.

Science:  Using magnets, we will be having lots of Christmas hands on fun!

Have a great weekend!

The JK Team
