Another great week under our JK Belts! This weather has been a blessing, and we truly been enjoying it!
Question to ask your children:
- What is the story of the Good Samaritan? What was your part when we acted it out in the class?
- Who are your new tablemates?
- What family did we pray for during our Religion circle time?
Religion: We are busy preparing our hearts for Easter. We have a prayer jar with all of your family names in it. We pick a new family to pray for each day and we pray for that family and whoever else that child wishes, together as a class. I wish you could see how reverent your children are during these times when we are talking about Praying for your families in class, it is beyond heartwarming to see how much love is in each one of their hearts and on their minds. In addition to doing good things at school, we hope that in the next few weeks your butterfly coloring sheet will be looking colorful with all the kind things your children are doing at home for Lent!
Literacy: We will continue with rhyming words, CVC words, and also POP corn words. POP corn words are words that show up in our daily message that your children are able to recognize. It is great to see the kids put these words together with all their hard work of isolating beginning, middle and ending sounds.
Math: Our number work continues with our calendar time, tally marks, patterns and many games we play through the day!
Social Studies: Weather reporting and science hands on fun!
Have a wonderful weekend!
The JK Team