JK Newsletter January 23, 2025

We are having a Arctic blast this week in the classroom! So far we have learned about Penguins and the Arctic Fox.  More to come next week, So many animals and fun facts to learn!

Catholic schools week starts on Sunday! We have Mass at 10:30 and then Open House from 11:30-2:30! Please tell your friends and neighbors!  Start with us  in JK and then head next door to meet Mrs. Mahr in Kindergarten to see what fun things your kids will be doing next year!!

Our school is amazing because of all the wonderful families, teachers and Faith! It is what grounds us all, and makes your kids thrive!

Questions for your children:

What funny thing does the artic fox do to get his food?

What arctic animal are you looking forward to learning about?

Would you rather be a Penguin or arctic fox? Why?


Religion: We are celebrating our school through church and song!

Literacy: Working on beginning, middle and ending sounds in Phonemic awareness.  We are also working on  proper letter formation

Math: Ten frames, graphs, patterns and number poems. Lots of snowy math fun! 

Social Studies/Science: We will continue our unit on Arctic animals. 

We are also starting our Meteorologist Daily Reporter.  Each day a different child will report the weather to the class using a special form. If the form is in your child’s backpack, its your child’s turn,  Please fill out the form with your child and PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE with your child so they feel comfortable presenting the weather to the class. Please bring back the envelope the next school day!

The weather will be warming up for us to go outside next week…YAY!! Your kids have been troopers, but they are REALLY excited to get back on the playground and run around on the field!  Please put your children in old pants .. in case of dirty clothes from outdoor play.

Have a wonderful weekend!

The JK Team
