We had a great week reading and rhyming with Dr. Seuss! Please continue the fun of reading the books with your children at home! These books are a hoot and the kids love all the rhymes!
Our School auction is coming up fast!
Thanks you to those who turned in your recipes. If you still need to please do it ASAP… This book is going to be very special!
AND ……Bubbles is tapping his fins with excited to see which one of his friends will be able to take him home for the week of our Spring Break!
Click on the link below to order your tickets or donate:
Some things to ask your children:
-Ask your kids to sing the new LENT song for you? ” Prayer and Fasting and alms giving..we are meant to repent,, 40 days of sacrifice, being super kind and nice..this is lent, this is lent!”
-What family did you pray for today?
-Did you like the Stations of the cross performance put on by the 8th grade?
Religion: Lent began on Wednesday and we are getting our hearts ready for Easter. We have a prayer jar with all of our your family names on it. We pick a a new family everyday and pray for you and who ever else is on your child wishes, together as a class.
I wish you could see how reverent your children are during these times when we are talking about Jesus and family in our class, it is beyond heartwarming to see how much love is in their hearts and on their minds.
In addition to doing good things at school, We hope that in the next few weeks your butterfly coloring sheet will be looking very colorful with all the kind things your children are doing at home for Lent.
Literacy: We will continue with rhyming words, CVC words, and also adding in POP corn words. POP corn words are are words that show up in our morning message daily, and your children are able to recognize.
We are also working on proper letter formation as well, along with Phonemic awareness daily!
Math: Number work using base ten blocks is new this week. We are also still doing ten frames and lots of counting and tally marks too!
Science/Social Studies: Spring is in the air! We will be keeping our eyes out for all things spring and new life to grow!
Enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend!
The JK Team