Hi Eighth Graders! Anybody looking for volunteer opportunities please consider signing up to help at Fall Fest! Helping clean up, info desk, etc are welcome!!
I also sent home the information to order the eighth grade sweatshirt! How exciting! Once the sweatshirts arrive, the eighth grade is allowed to wear the sweatshirt to school. It is something the eighth grade always looks forward to!
Tomorrow is math notebook check – I will be looking to see how the eighth grade is doing on their math homework (sections 1.1-1.4). An organized notebook with the homework problems worked out is key to being a great student.
Tomorrow morning we are meeting our Kindergarten buddies and doing an activity. We will do various activities with the Kindergarten this year especially the Advent Mass.
Tomorrow afternoon we are doing a Living Rosary Workshop for the second grade. The eighth graders will be “teaching” the second graders about saying the rosary. Every eighth grader plays a role in this workshop as we spread the good news about prayer. Every second grader will be able to color a rosary and they will get their own rosary to take home with a kid friendly instruction sheet. The eighth grade also has a special relationship with second grade as we are both making sacraments this year and we will come together in celebration for May Crowning.
Friday is the mass of the Holy Spirit at 9:30am. All are welcome!
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