Christmas Time

On Tuesday evening we had our Christmas Program at church – it was a blessed event! Thank you Mrs Prosen, students, teachers, and parents! Yesterday, we had a Christmas themed PBIS assembly. We also shopped at our Holiday Shop for family gifts. Today the NJHS students will be singing carols at The Center For Independence, We also attended Our Lady Of Guadalupe services this morning. The sixth grade put on a play of the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Tomorrow–students have their saint report due – 2 pages-submit to Google Classroom.

Please send in your Confirmation Information sheet if you have not. I have sheets from: Alannah, Natalie, Charlie, Miguel, Danny, Ava P, Alondra, and Ava R. You can find the form in your red book or I can get you a copy. If you sent it in directly to religious education office that is fine-you do not need to get me another one. That is the sheet you child is registered to the AOC as being a candidate of Confirmation. I know a few are still working on sponsors–that is fine as well. Let me know after the holidays if you found a sponsor.

Tomorrow is Pajama Day–students can wear PJ clothes to school.

12/20 is the Advent Mass with the Kindergarten buddies. It is at 9:30am. The eighth grade will be participating in several ways — please have your child DRESS UP in Christmas clothing/Sunday best. If you know you will not be here on friday 12/20 please let me know.

12/20-2pm dismissal

If you have any questions–do not hesitate to email me at
