¿Que Pasa Calabaza? DLI News 10/14/24 -10/18/24

This week in DLI we did lots of fun things. We finished this week’s pumpkin (calabaza) craft. We also reviewed letter Bb and learned all about letter Cc. In math, we learned about Ovalos (ovals). We have also been working on our listening skills by doing simple 1 – 2 step instructions. In reading we read El Monstruo Rosa and went over our new vocab of the week. Our students are learning their words quickly!

During our vocab review as a class, students were told “Esta es la estacion en la que estamos,” Aaron answered Otono (Fall/ Autumn). While reading El Monstruo Rosa, Cece, was able to tell us that monstruo Rosa was not feliz (happy) in his Mundo Blanco (white world).

In addition, Ms. Sonia and I are so excited to see that our students are learning new words and understanding what they are being taught. 

Next week, Dr. Elisa Dralle will be visiting our classroom! More detailed information went out in Mr. Ochoa’s email on Thursday. She will be sharing quality time with our students – we are so excited to have her here! 🙂 We will also be focusing on the letter Dd, and we will review El Rectangulo (rectangle) again.

We will introduce new vocabulary words while also reviewing the previous ones to reinforce understanding and recognition. Our students unanimously requested a new Días de la Semana (Days of the Week) song, and I’m excited to find one for them! Additionally, we’ll be doing a small science experiment that will focus on following instructions and observing changes.


  • Our Disguise a Ghost project is due Monday 
  • Nap items are to be returned clean on Monday 
  • Please send in an updated warm pair of clothing and we will send the other change home. 
  • Please bring weather appropriate clothes, we are still going outside
  • Affy Tapple Sales have been extended until next week, if anyone needed extra time (let’s have it in by Monday)
  • Please start practicing at home how to put on and zip up their own jacket, it helps with the algorithm of the class
  • Practice pages go home, please be sure to check folders DAILY
  • Snacks, water bottles and lunch should be sent in DAILY

