
Penny Davis
This week, continuing our lesson on Living Things, the students planted seeds. We will monitor and chart the growth over time, and care for our plants. We learned about the letter Cc, circles, and the color yellow. The children continue to show growth in every aspect of their development. They explore the science center with...
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This week we begin exploring Living Things and Non-LivingThings, how Living Things change/grow over time, and what Living Things need.  We examined apple seeds, learned about the apple life cycle, and painted with apples.   The students sorted Living Things and Non-Living Things. We also begin learning about the change of seasons, and Fall, which we will continue to explore next week. The...
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This was a very busy week for our class.  The highlights include the following: God and our names – We spent the week talking about how much God loves each of them, and how they are unique, starting with their name. We continue to work on recognizing our name and learning the names of our...
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Hello Families! In our lessons this week, we continued learning about the letter “Aa” and its sound.  We attempted writing practice at the smart board – which the children loved.  We learned about our first shape – square. Children modeled the square shape with Play-Doh.  I was excited as they extended our lesson into snack...
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Hello Families! This week we continued practicing procedures and routines for the classroom, and participated in safety preparedness for school. We had a practice tornado drill and lock down drill. We attended the Mass of the Holy Spirit with the entire school for prayer and blessings. What’s going on in our classroom….This week children learned...
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Welcome! Last week was full of adventure for the full day program.  We spent most of the week learning routines, getting to know one another, and making new friends. We  experienced our first fire drill, tested our skills at gym, and learned the meaning of recess. We played hopscotch. This week, we will continue focusing...
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