
Greetings, I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and thank you to everyone who attended conferences last week.  Maybe you’ve noticed the quotes and designs that our eighth graders painted on the brick wall outside of Room 123.  One of the students painted the Benjamin Franklin quote, “Failure to prepare is preparing to fail.”  That’s...
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                         Greetings, We had a fun and productive field trip to Cantigny Park last week.  The trip was scheduled in conjunction with Veterans’ Day which is recognized on November 11th. Students had plenty of outdoor exercise as they strolled through the grounds and climbed...
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Greetings, As we reach the conclusion of our Red Ribbon Week, it has served as a good reminder for students about how to make healthy choices for both their bodies and their minds.  Pope John Paul II expressed in Theology of the Body the concept of one’s body being a gift from God to be used to...
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Greetings, Being in the middle of October is affording us the chance to cover seasonal content across all subject areas.  Starting with Literature, both Seventh and Eighth Grade students are reading classic short stories from the horror genre by authors such as Washington Irving, Roald Dahl, and Edgar Allan Poe.  Interestingly enough, some of these...
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Greetings, As the month of October begins next week, the Church celebrates the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.  My favorite St. Francis story, surprisingly, involves his death.  While on his deathbed, he said to the nun who was caring for him, “Bring me one of those cookies that I am so fond of.”  What...
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Greetings, I hope that by now everyone has recovered from all of the Fall Fest fun!  Thanks to all the parents who volunteered their time and/or spent lots and lots of money.   We teachers are grateful for your continued support. Eighth Grade has been reading the novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain.  We...
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Greetings, The first full week of the 2023/2024 school year passed by quickly, but it has not been void of sadness.  Our students have been part of an honor guard for two funerals this week as the St. Cletus community paid its respects towards two beloved members of the parish.  We also remember the life...
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Thank you all for a memorable school year!  I hope that you all enjoy your summer vacation.  Safe travels to those of you going on trips.  Remember to attend mass, say prayers, and read a book or two.  Farewell to the Class of 2023.  Best wishes to all of you in high school. Until Next...
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Greetings, I’m sure that many of you parents, like me, have memories of the last weeks of the school year coinciding with all of those Bulls Championships many years ago.  Back then, and even today, the final minutes of an NBA playoff game can be incredibly tense and also thrilling.  The final minutes are what...
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Greetings Parents, In my opinion, there isn’t a month in the calendar that better sums up a Catholic school education than the month of May.  We celebrate the Second Grader’s First Holy Communion; we honor Our Blessed Mother when we crown the statue of Mary at the May Crowning Mass; and we begin the “farewell...
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