Hello, parents!
Today is Grandfriends’ day at St. Cletus school! We are so excited to welcome all of our Grandfriends’ to mass this afternoon at 1:15. We can’t wait to celebrate with them, and enjoy a treat afterwards in the Parish Center.
First grade has been very busy lately! We have been learning about Jesus and the Holy Family in Religion class. We have been going to Mass on Tuesday, and learning the parts of the Mass.
In Reading, we have been doing our Phonics lessons daily, and have started our Superkids. We enjoy reading aloud to our classmates, and love doing book reports, too.
In Math, we finished addition and have started subtraction. We like to use our manipulatives to help us in our daily work.
In Social Studies, we are learning about home and school. We learned about families from long ago, and we see how different our lives are now.
In Science, we are asking questions, and finding solutions to problems. We like to think like a scientist, and this gives us a good opportunity to do so.
In Spelling and Language arts, we are learning about sentences, and how punctuation is important. We are also learning about nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
Enjoy the Grandfriends’ mass today and remember: it’s always a great day to be a cardinal!!! You bet!