Hi parents! Happy New Year! A new year has begun and we are busy learning new things and looking forward to Catholic Schools Week.
In Religion class, we are learning about the Holy Spirit. We learned that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Blessed Trinity, and that he will help us in our studies. We learned that the Holy Spirit helped the Apostles speak in tongues. We learned that the Holy Spirit also comes to us when we receive the sacrament of Confirmation.
In Superkids, we are learning different consonant and vowel combinations. We are learning the plural forms of words, and spelling them correctly. In Language Arts, we are learning how to write a friendly letter. We are also writing messages to each other, and learning how to reply to them.
In Math, we are finishing module 6 and looking forward to starting a new book. We are also working in our Simple Solutions book. We enjoy Simple Solutions because it gives us different types of math problems.
Catholic Schools Week is coming up soon. We have our Open House Sunday, January 26 from 10:30-2:30. It is actually following the 10:30 am Mass. Please stop by and see what a great school St. Cletus is.