Hi Pre-K Families!
Here is a glimpse into our week in Pre-K 3!
Looking back…
*Thank you to every one wo brought in items for our Grinchmas movie morning! It was so special for our preschoolers.
*We learned about Peace in our second week of Advent!
*We did “The Reindeer Pokey” in P.E.
*We started our family Christmas gifts….shhhh its a secret!
*We learned the letter L!
*We learned which animals LOVE the snow and DO NOT love the snow!
Looking Ahead
Our Theme: Christmas
Literacy: Letter M
Religion: Advent and Christmas
Wednesday, December 18- Preschool Christmas Program @ 9:30 in the Parish Center Gym. Children should wear dress clothes.
*Please remember to pack a snack and fill up your child’s water before coming to school.
**Check your child’s backpack to see that they have a weather appropriate change of clothes in case of an accident! We also ask that everyone has an extra change of shoes just in case!
Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About…
Below are some suggestions to engage your child in a conversation about what they did at school!
*Where did we practice our Christmas Program this week? (In the music room!)
*What is an animal that LOVES the snow?
*What was your favorite part about our movie morning?
Have an amazing weekend,
Mrs. Arlowe