Pre-K 3 Newsletter January 17

Happy Friday Families!

Here is a glimpse into our week!

Looking back…
*We continued on in learning our alphabet, this week– Lizzie our letter lizard brought us the letter Nn.
*We helped color a giant school mural in art class!
*We went to our PBIS assembly and Maddie’s ticket got pulled to get a stuffed animal cardinal! Conor went far in the Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament!
Looking Ahead
Our Theme: Bodies (Muscles & Bones)
Literacy: Letter Oo
Religion: God Gives us Air
Monday, Jan 20– NO SCHOOL
Sunday, Jan 26– OPEN HOUSE 11:30-2:30
*Families whose last name begins with N-Z please bring in these supplemental supplies:
-3 Boxes baby wipes
-3 Rolls paper towels
-3 boxes of tissues
-3 Canisters Clorox Wipes
-2 boxes sandwich bags

**Join us for our OPEN HOUSE on January 26 from 11:30-2:30! Feel free to bring any family/friends who may be interested in St. Cletus as well! Pop in to the Preschool room to see what fun things we have been working on! See their artwork, where they sit, and their favorite centers! Also, this is a great opportunity to see what you can expect in the future at St. Cletus. Be sure to stop in and meet Ms. Nieves (Rm 105) and Mrs. Hogan (Rm 100) in our DLI & JK classrooms to learn what lies ahead for your children here! St. Cletus is full of amazing teachers doing amazing things.


***Please make sure to send your child with gym shoes on WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS (we have P.E. these days).


Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About
Below are some suggestions to engage your child in a conversation about what they did at school!
*What are some words that start with the letter N? (nest, net, newspaper)
*Whose birthday’s did we celebrate this week? (Annie & Elijah)
*What happened in our PBIS assembly? (Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament)
Have an amazing weekend,

Mrs. Arlowe
