What an amazing year we are having! Week 4 introduced many more new activities. ECLIP, our Early Childhood Language Intensive Preschool, began this week. Our teacher, Ms. Sonia Sanchez, is doing a wonderful job teaching this program. Hopefully, the kids are sharing some of their new Spanish vocabulary at home. If you have any questions about this program, please be sure to ask. We dot painted green alligators for the letter of the week, painted with watercolors in Mrs. DeVeno’s art class, participated in our first fire drill with the LaGrange Fire Department and met our buddies for the first time. Our first visit to the courtyard for outdoor recess was lots of fun. Running all over, using our hula hoops and writing with our chalk has been so much fun. We thanked God for all of our great weather this week!
We began our Religion program, I Am Special, and our first lesson was all about our names. Next week we will draw self portraits and be introduced to the Bible. In addition to this, we learned our first prayer, the Sign of the Cross, and began to say prayers before snack and lunch to thank God for our food. We learned that when we pray we are talking to God.
The PBIS assembly ended the week. We learned all about our school rules and will begin receiving our positive behavior tickets on Monday. The St. Cletus Cardinal, our school mascot, was present and brought with him lots of excitement and school spirit! We are excited to begin this program. More information on our PBIS program will follow in the near future.
Next week, we will focus on the letter “Bb” and begin our color of the week fun. Red will be the color of the week and Apples will be our theme of the week. The numbers 0 and 1 will be introduced and our shape of the week will be the circle.
Mark Your Calendar…
Thursday, September 21-Grandfriends Mass and Reception
Friday, September 22-NO SCHOOL-Staff Development Day