
Penny Davis
This week…the highlight of our week was our service field trip to Feed My Starving Children. It is important for the children to have these experiences, as it helps them to connect to Jesus’ mission to be of service to others. We celebrated a birthday. Happy Birthday Reagan! We conducted our first science experiment this...
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This week…we celebrated Halloween with costumes, a classroom party, and the ever popular Trunk-or-Treat. On Wednesday and Thursday we attended mass for All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day, respectively, to honor the Saints of our faith and to remember and pray for our deceased loved ones.  Geometry Friday, we practiced modeling 3D shapes.  Looking...
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This week…we celebrated Red Ribbon week, focusing on healthy activities and healthy food choices. The students had fun with crazy sock day, pajama day, joining our 6th grade buddies for an afternoon of board games, participating in a school-wide Freeze dance, and being of service by making contributions to St. Cletus’ food pantry. We celebrated...
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This week..we had an opportunity to get up close and personal with science. On Wednesday, we attended an assembly presented by an atmospheric scientist and storm chaser.  We also had an opportunity to test out the new playground equipment.  Continuing with our “Friday Geometry” lessons, the students had fun understanding sides and angles, as they...
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This week..the students were excited about our first steps for Geometry Friday. They did a hands-on lesson as they created symmetry cut outs. In gym, they took a PACER test – which measured their aerobic capacity. As a reminder, taffy apple order forms are due Monday. Have a great weekend and God bless, Mrs. Davis
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This week…we begin learning about multiplication. The students practiced modeling multiplication sentences. We have also started incorporating weekly iReady lessons into our schedule. The students are excitedly selecting a mystery book for their first book reports.  On Friday, the children were treated to a surprise assembly regarding how we should treat one another and animals...
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This week…the students did a wonderful job on their scientist presentations! We all learned so much during the Scientist presentations, from great quotes to interesting facts. “a person that never made a mistake never tried anything new” Einstein Galileo was an Aquarius, and how the notion of the earth going around the sun was seen...
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This week..the children were full of wonderful stories from the Fall Fest.  What a great way to spend time together as a community!  As of Friday, all of the children completed their IReady assessments. With the Cardinal there to cheer the students on, we kicked off our first PBIS (Positive Behavior in School) assembly. Students...
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A few pictures from our first couple of weeks of school.  
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This week…It is hard to believe that we have been in school for almost two weeks.  Last week, we spent most of our time getting to know one another, learning our daily routines, and learning how to make our classroom a safe space.  The children learned to make paper airplanes in preparation for our science...
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