
Penny Davis
This week…the children learned about St. Patrick’s Day, and St Patrick, and how he was forgiving, and used the shamrock to explain The Holy Trinity as one – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  The children had a chance to try lime soda and green-sprinkle covered cookies. The reviews were mixed – thumbs...
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This week…In recognition of Dr. Seuss’ birthday, we started the week reading The Cat in the Hat,  reading a “Fairy Tale”, and talking about imagination and imaginary. We explored using our “imagination” this week.  Students selected to join me on a space ship to go out of space or to get in a row boat...
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This week..the children learned about Mardi Gras, (Fat Tuesday/Pancake Day/Paczki Day), and Ash Wednesday.  The children were treated to a King Cake and Paczki. They selected which one they wanted to try and voted “thumbs up” or “thumbs down”.  They had fun trying them both. The children also made Mardi Gras mask. One of the...
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This week..saw the return of Mail Monday, and the children made special Valentine’s Day cards for mom and dad.  We had a special assembly on Monday. As part of our continued incentives for our spring fundraiser, we were treated with a visit from Tommy Hawk – the official mascot of the Chicago Blackhawks. Some of...
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This week…the students learned about the importance of healthy habits, germs and hand washing.  We conducted a simple experiment to see how germs spread. We used glitter to represent germs. First, students were divided into three groups. Next, each group received a different color of glitter on their hands, next, we shook hands and gave...
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This week…the theme for Catholic Schools Week was Walk Together In Faith & Love. It was a fun week for all.   Thank you to all who sent in donations for the Food Pantry.  On Thursday, we spent time with our 7th grade buddies making Valentine crafts and enjoying plenty of snacks. Friday was the Feast...
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This week…Our parade was a hit! The children loved it. This week they completed their dragon mask and other activities related to learning about Lunar New Year.  Thank you for coming out to cheer for the children this morning.  The children helped decorate the classroom for Catholic Schools Week.   They practiced lines and circles, and...
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This week….The students were so excited to begin learning bout Lunar New Year. They made lanterns, red picture cards for their 7th grade buddies, and tried fortune cookies. The fortune cookies received a thumbs up from all of the students. They have started working on their dragon mask. Looking forward…We are working on various craft...
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This week…Welcome back to school and Happy New Year!   They were happy to get back to their routines, including, “Who’s feeding Brownie?”. This week we talked about healthy food choices. We read stories and watched a video about  healthy food choices and “sometime foods”.  The children worked on categorizing and sorting food choices.  They were...
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This week…we continued learning about how animals adapt for the winter. We learned about animals that migrate and hibernate.  We  made bird/animal feeders.  We repurposed milk cartons to make the feeders.  I was so impressed as the students decorated their milk cartons, managed inserting the string and, the straw perches.  For food, the students selected...
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