
Stacey Firestone
Upcoming Events: Friday, November 3: FSA sponsored Sip and Shop Wednesday, November 8: Picture Retake day Thursday, November 9: Spirit Day Assembly, wear red and white Friday, November 10: Veteran’s Day and teacher professional development, NO SCHOOL Tuesday, November 21: 11am Dismissal followed by Parent/Teacher Conferences.  Sign Up will be sent out next week from the office....
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So much has been going on this week.  We talked A LOT about Halloween, we participated in Red Ribbon Week and talked about keeping ourselves healthy.  We were able to spend time with our buddies and we will be seeing them on Monday as we prepare to make our witch’s brew all together. Looking Ahead:...
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What a great week this has been!  We have continued our October theme this week and began to talk about pumpkins!  We have been enjoying the Fall weather and taking advantage of the weather by taking walks around our campus, playing on the playground and enjoying the fall changes. With our weather changing by the...
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What a week it has been!  We learned about spiders and how cool they really are!  We learned so many neat facts.  Make sure to ask your child about them! This week we finished up talking about the letter P and will wrap up our first set of letters next week with N.  Make sure...
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What a week this has been!  We talked so much about apples; how they grow, how they get from the orchard to the grocery store, what different things they can be used for… The list goes on!  We are still really focusing on our teen numbers.  16 and 17 are left out quite often and...
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This morning we took time away from our busy schedule to make a fun “buddy” project with our 5th grade buddies.  Our buddies helped with the cutting and our class took over the gluing and designing.  It was so much fun seeing all the creativity in our room!
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Thank you to everyone who came out and supported our school at Fall Fest!  It was so great to have everyone back together again.  Without your support we would never have been able to bring back this amazing event to our school!  The kids are already asking about next year! This past week we have...
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What a great week we have had!  We talked all about the letter S, we learned about our names and how each of them are special to us.  We wrapped up our Chicka Chicka theme and will be moving on to Families next week.  Please make sure to send in your family photo is you...
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Happy Friday!  We have made it through our first full week of school and boy were we busy.  We began to talk about the letter S, worked on our names, sang songs, talked about rhyming words and talked A LOT about kindness and how Jesus wants us to be kind to everyone.  This week we...
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