
Middle School
Greetings Parents, What a busy week coming up both here at school and outside of it!  There are quite a few things to celebrate, while at the same time, the journey of Lent begins.  I hope that all of our students, but especially our Confirmation candidates, use the season of Lent as a way to...
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Greetings, Catholic Schools Week is almost underway!  When I was growing up, sometimes my family and I would attend events at the parish that my parents belonged to when they were young.  In the parish hall, there was a collection of graduation pictures.  I enjoyed finding the pictures of my parents, my aunts, and my...
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Greetings, Welcome to 2024!  One full week of school nearly completed and a day off for our nation to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr is a good way to ease back in to the routine of school. Seventh Grade has begun a short story unit that focuses on the relationship between people...
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Season’s Greetings, We’ve been busily covering Christmas themed readings and writings in LA and Literature.  Seventh Grade is reading A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.  The main emphasis of reading it has been placed on viewing the events through the lens of Victorian London where poverty, disease, and injustice ran rampant, and how Charles Dickens used...
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Greetings, I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and thank you to everyone who attended conferences last week.  Maybe you’ve noticed the quotes and designs that our eighth graders painted on the brick wall outside of Room 123.  One of the students painted the Benjamin Franklin quote, “Failure to prepare is preparing to fail.”  That’s...
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                         Greetings, We had a fun and productive field trip to Cantigny Park last week.  The trip was scheduled in conjunction with Veterans’ Day which is recognized on November 11th. Students had plenty of outdoor exercise as they strolled through the grounds and climbed...
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Reminder: Tomorrow is red out–wear red!Next week we will not attend mass on Tuesday because we are in Halloween costumes. We will be attending mass on 11/1 AND 11/2 for All Saints and All Souls.There will be trunk or treat (1:45pm) as well as a 7th/8th Halloween party on 10/31.11/16 Confirmation Commitment Mass for all...
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Greetings, As we reach the conclusion of our Red Ribbon Week, it has served as a good reminder for students about how to make healthy choices for both their bodies and their minds.  Pope John Paul II expressed in Theology of the Body the concept of one’s body being a gift from God to be used to...
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Hello! This week has been very productive. We had a science presentation from a Illinois Storm Chaser who created quite the blast of vapor cloud in the gym. The facebook page has pictures! We also had a series of math assessments. We went with our buddies to church to get ready for them to attend...
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Greetings, Being in the middle of October is affording us the chance to cover seasonal content across all subject areas.  Starting with Literature, both Seventh and Eighth Grade students are reading classic short stories from the horror genre by authors such as Washington Irving, Roald Dahl, and Edgar Allan Poe.  Interestingly enough, some of these...
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