
This was short, but busy. Most of the students finished completing their first diorama. They did an awesome job! They made Thanksgiving hats, and attended mass. We ended with parent-teacher conferences. Happy Thanksgiving and God bless you all. Mrs. Davis    
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I am so thankful for all of the Preschool kiddos and their families. Thank you for sharing your children with me each day.  Our first trimester was filled with lots of learning and love!  I am so excited to see what the semester trimester will bring.  It was so nice to meet with all of...
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This week…we had so much fun celebrating National Teddy Bear Day! We were joined by the Half-day preschool class for our “Teddy Bear Tea” .  Our math survey showed that “chocolate Teddy Grahams” are a new favorite snack.  Thank you for working with your student on the Turkey project – they look awesome!  The students...
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Looking Back.. *National Teddy Bear was Monday and we celebrated with Mrs. Davis and her class.  We all brought our bears and had a picnic together.  We went on a Bear Hunt and ate teddy grahams.  It was so nice to make new friends that we decided we are going to continue to get together...
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I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and stays warm!  Wasn’t it in the 70’s just last week?  This past week has been full of assessments and thanksgiving projects.  I can’t believe that Christmas is just around the corner.  We have so many fun things planned for the next few weeks, I just hope that...
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This week…we made cards for Veterans.  If you have Veterans in your family, please talk about them with your child or show them a picture of the family member.  We worked on writing skills, I am so impressed with the children’s growth. We also talked about God’s earth and how to care for the earth....
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Looking Back… *Letter “Ii” was our focus this week.  We learned about iguanas and made our own little green creature!  Inky the Mouse helped us to learn the “Ii” sound!  We made Inky whiskers to practice this letter and its sound. *Spiders were everywhere this week.  We learned many facts about spiders using our  informational...
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  Looking Back… *Halloween was a really fun day.  Our party was the best!  We played Halloween buckets, Halloween Bingo, decorated cookies and made picture frames.  When we left, we were even able to take our frames home with our costume photo inside.  Classroom trick-or-treating filled our buckets.  Thank you so much to Teddy’s Mom,...
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This week…we started the week closing out October with a fun filled Halloween. Thank you to our classroom parent, Mrs. Simunovic, (and volunteers Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Molina), for making our classroom party fun.  Thank you to our 7th grade buddies for helping us trick-or-treat. The students enjoyed getting out to enjoy the beautiful weather...
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What a fun and exciting week we have had!  I can’t believe that November is already here!  Before we know it, it will be time for conferences and Thanksgiving.  Our busy season is quickly approaching.  Make sure to keep an eye on the school calendar as things are being added daily. Here are a few...
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