Mrs. Maggie McQuinn

Homework Policy

Throughout the course of the junior high experience, students will study the stories of the Old Testament; learn about the life of Jesus in the Gospels, and  prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation.  In class, students routinely pray the Rosary and learn about the lives of the saints.  Students have the opportunity to attend retreats, complete service experiences, and take an active role in preparing all school masses.  The junior high religion curriculum ensures that all students are challenged academically, while at the same time, developing spiritually. 

Since most religion assignments are completed within class time, late and missing work should not really be an issue. However, if students do not submit work by the time and date it is expected, students will receive a warning and chance to submit the assignment. Should students choose not to, the assignment will be recorded as missing and grade of 0 will be earned.

Electronic Textbooks

Read the latest newsletter:

What’s New?

Final Update

Greetings, With only a few days left, there isn’t much to update you on. I do want to take this time to thank all of you for an overwhelmingly memorable school year. In all sincerity, I can’t think of a school year as both a teacher and as a student that had been more enjoyable...
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05/17 Update

Been so busy, haven’t had time to send an update recently.  That’s what happens in May. In Eighth Grade Religion, the most recent lessons that we have covered focus on the Sacraments of Vocations.  I’d just like to see the students graduate from Eighth Grade before we start talking about them getting married or entering...
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04/17 Update

Greetings, Sorry it’s been awhile since I’ve posted an update.  Spring break came and went, and then I had a family matter to tend to for a few days.  I appreciate everyone’s understanding. Our Eighth Grade Springfield Trip was a success!  In fact, Mrs. Schaefer received an e-mail from a woman from Trinity Lutheran in...
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03/22 Update

Thank you to everyone who came to meet with me at Parent Teacher Conferences last week.  For those who were unable to attend, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have.  With that being said, Holy Week begins this Sunday on Palm Sunday.  The Lenten Journey is nearly complete,...
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03/08 Update

Greetings, A blessed weekend is ahead for our Eighth Grade students as they will be making the Sacrament of Confirmation.  Students have been preparing for this event for some time, and they will have the support of the entire parish community behind them.  It will be a special day for our students and their families. ...
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02/23 Update

Greetings, I hope your Lenten journey has been meaningful so far.  Eighth Grade is busily preparing for its presentation of the Living Stations next Thursday afternoon, and we are just a few short weeks away from the Confirmation ceremony.  There are still just a few students who have not submitted data sheets, completed red booklets,...
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02/09 Update

Greetings Parents, What a busy week coming up both here at school and outside of it!  There are quite a few things to celebrate, while at the same time, the journey of Lent begins.  I hope that all of our students, but especially our Confirmation candidates, use the season of Lent as a way to...
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01/26 Update

Greetings, Catholic Schools Week is almost underway!  When I was growing up, sometimes my family and I would attend events at the parish that my parents belonged to when they were young.  In the parish hall, there was a collection of graduation pictures.  I enjoyed finding the pictures of my parents, my aunts, and my...
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01/12 Update

Greetings, Welcome to 2024!  One full week of school nearly completed and a day off for our nation to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr is a good way to ease back in to the routine of school. Seventh Grade has begun a short story unit that focuses on the relationship between people...
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