We’ve had such a great time in 5th grade so far! In the past couple of weeks, we met our buddies, created working cars out of cardboard, had a blast at Fall Fest, wrote amazing stories, planned a trip to Seattle, and started our science unit project. Here’s a deeper dive into what we’ve been...Read More
Hi Pre-K Families! Here is a look into our packed week of Pre-K! Looking back… *This week we continued learning about Apples and introduced the letter B! *We observed Patriot Day and remembered those who fought to keep us safe. *We read so many fun books! One of our favorites was “F is for Flag”...Read More
It was so nice to see you all at Fall Fest last weekend! Next on the list of fun is Grandparents Day Mass next Thursday Sept 19th at 1:15! RSVP to this link: https://stcletusschool.com/grandfriends/ We had another fun week in JK! here are a few questions to ask your children: Did you enjoy making letters...Read More
Hello Everyone! Welcome back from our long weekend! This week was filled with fun as we learned two new colors and a new vowel. A special moment happened when our students remembered last week’s color, “rojo,” and then confidently said our new colors in Spanish. It’s clear that our morning reviews are helping everyone...Read More
Upcoming Events/Mark your calendars: Tuesday, September 17: 8AM Mass (doors open at 7:45) Wednesday, September 18: PBIS kickoff assembly Friday, September 20: Please bring in a small container of your child’s favorite fruit, washed and ready to be served. Please see the religion section below for more information. What’s Due? Seesaw: New “boom cards” have...Read More