
3rd Grade
This week…we celebrated the blessing of being a part of Catholic Schools; as teachers, staff, and students, each of us are children of God. The week was filled with various events, such as enjoying milk and cookies for snack time, and spending time with our buddies playing board games. The week ended with a day-long...
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This week….in the mornings, students concentrated on the IReady diagnostic test. In Science, understanding engineering and technology, students used communication, planning, decision making, and modeling skills to construct bridges. Students tested their designs and evaluated other students constructive criticism to revamp their bridge designs. Job well done! On Tuesday, students participating in choir made their...
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Hello Everyone Catholic Schools week is an EXCITING time here at St. Cletus.  The calendar of events for Catholic Schools Week was sent in an email to you.  The students are busy making projects in class to show off the work they have been doing this year at our OPEN HOUSE on Sunday January 28th....
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Hello Everyone This week ALL students participated in a ROCK – PAPER – SCISSORS game in the classroom.  Our class winner was Felicity Esposito.  Felicity went on to play a school wide ROCK – PAPER – SCISSORS game and did a GREAT job!!  Congratulations Felicity!!    I hope you all enjoyed the unexpected snow day! ...
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Happy New Year! And welcome back! I hope that everyone had a safe, happy, and blessed Christmas vacation. This week…the students and I were getting back into our routines, while setting new goals and expectations for 2024, while also reviewing our PBIS guidelines.  In Religion this week, we invited the Holy Spirit into our lives...
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This week…our hearts and minds have been on Advent, in preparing for the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The children have been decorating our classroom christmas tree, and, for the past three Mondays we have prepared and prayed over our Advent wreath. The students also learned about the Jesse Tree. In connection with learning...
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Hello Everyone, As I am cleaning the room tonight and thinking about the coming week I wanted to send out a list of things that we will be doing during the week.   Our spelling words this week will be a list focused on Christmas. Words will be sent home on Monday as usual. Please be...
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Hello Everyone! I hope you have had a great weekend!!  Hard to believe that Christmas is two weeks away.  The students will be cleaning out their desks for the holiday break.  Please find an old backpack or reusable grocery bag and send it in by Thursday December 21st so that you child can put their...
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This week… we welcome the season of Advent and prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus. The students are learning about the Church’s liturgical calendar, Advent as the beginning of the year, and the  colors and symbols associated with the various seasons. As we are in the midst of cold and flu season, in...
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