
May 17, 2024
What a fun week in JK! We learned all about Planets, and the Cicadas have hatched! We will have a blast for the next weeks collecting them in bug boxes ….endless fun! Fun things to ask your child: What planet is closest to the sun? (Mercury) How do Astronauts sleep in the space shuttle? Did...
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Our week was all about dinosaurs!  We read many different kinds of books about dinosaurs.  We discussed the difference between fiction and informational text.  Either way…they were all a hit.  It is amazing how much the kids already know about dinosaurs.  We counted dinosaurs in our math centers, played with them during our free play...
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Communion and May Crowning were beautiful. What a wonderful couple of days, receiving Jesus for the first time and honoring His mother. For the remaining weeks of school, we will spend our religion time wrapping up Second Step and learning how to love and serve God. In Math, we took our test on Data. We...
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Been so busy, haven’t had time to send an update recently.  That’s what happens in May. In Eighth Grade Religion, the most recent lessons that we have covered focus on the Sacraments of Vocations.  I’d just like to see the students graduate from Eighth Grade before we start talking about them getting married or entering...
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Upcoming Events/mark your calendars: Tuesday, May 21: 8am Mass and Dining for Dollars at the Wendy’s on 55th in Countryside! 4-7pm Wednesday, May 22: PBIS assembly Friday, May 24: EARLY DISMISSAL, 2pm Looking Ahead: Sign-up for summer camps!  The early childhood summer camp sign-up is DUE!  It is being run by Mrs. Zontos and Mrs....
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