
Christy Schaefer
We have been loving the Science Lab with Mrs. Ludden!   Once a week, we get a treat of Science activity.  Students have been learning about the the layers of the Earth, the Spheres of the Earth, and how they all interact. We are more than half way through our 100 Word to Know List!   Remember...
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We have been busy in 6th Grade! Grammar :  Our 100 Word list should keep us busy almost every night!   We want to “know” these words to help expand our vocabulary knowledge.  We are also working on grammar elements of a sentence. Literature:  We are deep into “Journey To the Center of the Earth”!   This...
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6th Grade is off to a GREAT start!  We have established our routines and are getting along very well. In Science, we are focusing on our EARTH!   The magnetic poles, magnetic fields, what causes seasons, rotation and revolution.   We are looking into other planets and how they are different from ours.  We will figure how...
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First let me say how blessed I feel to have been with these amazing students this year!  To see learning and growth through the eyes of prek students is something to be taken in awe! We had an amazing year!   We grew in our faith by praying each school day, attending Tuesday 8am Mass each...
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What a blessed week we have had!   From our Monday May Crowning to our visit to the park on Friday, we have been blessed! Mark your calendar for JUNE 1st!  This will be our half day end of year celebration.   We will gather for a little sing, snacks and good- bye’s.  More details to come. ...
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Dear Parents, It’s hard to believe April is over!  May is going to fly by! But, we will enjoy every minute of it. This week we spent time getting back together after Spring Break.  We went outside and noticed how things had changed since we were here last.  We especially took notice of the beautiful...
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  We have been busy with Easter, Book Fair, and plants this week! What fun we had with our Easter Egg Hunts!  Thank you to those who donated to help with this adventure!!   We found eggs high and low and enjoyed finding treats inside. We talked about the Stations of the Cross as we prepare...
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I love to take pictures of these half day kids!  There is so much imagination that is coming into play these days!   Thank you to Madelyn Casey’s mom for providing with the white Jewel smocks!   We LOVE them! As Easter is quickly approaching, we are doing many crafts to go along with Easter.  We are...
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Well a week without pictures brings so many the next week.  What a wonderful week we have had.  The weather has been great for being outside, and the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day has added much fun to our days.  Let’s hope that nice weather returns soon! We focused on sorting, counting, comparing and graphing...
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